

Articles – Celebrity Dentist

Checkout these fresh articles about some of the procedures Dr. Mobasser performs:

Dr. Mobasser is the authority and the go-to cosmetic dentist in the USA. He has completed thousands of smile makeovers using porcelain veneers, and he is known to be a top veneer dentist. He has been practicing as a reconstructive and cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles since 1980. His knowledge and his experience in handling difficult cases is over 35 years. These articles reflects some of the expertise he has on these dental procedures. Due to his passion for cosmetic dentistry and contribution to designing many celebrities smiles, Dr. Mobasser has received 5-Star Health Grades Rating.

Dr Mobasser’s policy is to see and attend to one patient at a time. his is a private practice, in all senses of the word. There is no waiting. There is no juggling of clients. When you are with Dr. Mobasser, he is focused 100% on designing your cosmetic dentistry needs and maintaining your dental cosmetics and beauty for the rest of your life.  Every time he works with a patient he takes all the necessary time to focus on his or her needs.

To make a consultation with Dr. Mobasser, you can make an online request or call (310) 550-0383.